For my students to realize the relevance and importance of utilizing the GAME plan process and the NETS-S standards, I feel it would be beneficial for students to have the process explained to them continually. To do this, I will make sure that every lesson I utilize with the students involving technology integration will include specific components. I will offer a preview of the lesson we will learn by breaking it down into the Goals, Actions, Monitor, and Evaluation components. To explain the Goals portion of the plan I will explain the ISTE NETS-S standards and instructional objectives the lesson will address. Next, I will share what exactly we will be doing for the Action step of the plan. To address the Monitor portion of the plan I will explain how I will conduct ongoing assessments during the Action portion of the GAME plan. Finally, I will explain how we will conduct the Evaluation form of the lesson. As students are continually exposed to the GAME plan process before lessons, they will understand how the GAME plan process ties into learning and technology. If students experience this process enough it may become internalized to the point that they utilize this format of planning with learning independently. Utilizing the GAME plan will help students organize their thoughts when they are learning something new. It places importance on establishing goals and taking an active role in learning, especially when it involves technology.
ReplyDeleteI think you have found a good way to use the GAME plan process with the students in order to make it less overwhelming. You hit the nail on the head when you talked about repetition with this process leading to students internalizing it. The more we do something, the more ingrained it becomes and natural it seems for us to do it on our own in various situations.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't it be great if students would utilize the GAME plan process in which they would make learning independent? So many more students I think would appreciate the value of learning new concepts day in and day out. If they use this process enough it will be instilled in them and they will be able to you this process with just about anything they do in life. Nice Job!
Sarah and Emily,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouraging comments regarding how I might implement the GAME plan with my kindergarten students. I know you both understand :) Teaching everyone, let alone little ones, requires plenty of repetition. Hopefully, as Sarah mentioned, the students will begin to internalize the strategy format and maybe as Emily said, the students will be able to apply this process with just about anything they do in their lives. Thanks so much for the useful input and encouraging comments ladies!